SF Fire Retardant Material

Update time:2017-11-23 15:46:30Clicks:2422
Related introduction

I. SF Characteristics
1. The SF high-grade flame retardant material adopts a composite flame retardant to make products have quick and high-efficiency flame retardant properties;
2. The SF high-grade flame retardant material features short foamed grain curing time, short molding cycle, etc., thus improving the efficiency and saving the cost;
3. The SF high-grade flame retardant material has low flue gas density and high limited oxygen index values, facilitates in coordinating processing and application links, quickly meets construction requirements, and reduces human damages possibly caused under combustion conditions at the same time.

II. Notes for Use
1. Oxygen indexes of molded products or plates which are made from SF materials are tested, and must be more than or equal to 32. (samples of which the oxygen indexes are tested must be naturally placed for 28 days (national standard GB10801.1-2002), or be baked for 72 hours in a drying room at the temperature of 65℃ and then can be sent for testing.)
2. Pollution caused by mixing with the EPS of other materials during production must be strictly prevented.
3. Foamed particles left in machines, pipelines and bins must be cleared during processing to prevent common materials from being mixed.
4. Maintenance of plates is an important link. The processability of cut plates which are directly delivered without maintenance can be influenced.
5. Manufactures must recode processing and production links such as foaming, plate-making, cutting and maintenance in detail to facilitate tracking.
6. Please consult a business manager or a technical supporting department about terms such as B1/B2 in GB8624-1997 (building material combustion classifying methods) and the statements such as ABCDE for GB8624-2006 before use.
7. Besides, you need know standards of laws and regulations and common sense of products.

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